Friday, June 27, 2008

Good Evening All,

Long, Long Day! I have spent most of the day trying to get from Massachusetts to New Jersey. This means, no matter what roads you take, you are stuck in traffic, and tonz of it. It was Friday and that means it was hell. I finally got to New Jersey. 200 miles took me 8 1/2 hours. Fun, Huh! Anyway, I am done for the day. Steve is going to sleep a few more hours and then we are going to pick up our load going to Dalton, GA. We will deliver it to the terminal tomorrow night and grab our load going to Kent, WA. Last time we were supposed to go to Kent the company stopped us in Missoula, I guess we will see what they do this time.

Sorry, I don't have any fun stories, it has been a very long and frustrating day, and I am not in a very good mood. I will try to take a picture or two this next week, so that there will be new scenery on this page. Anyway, I am gonna go so I don't get pissy and whiny.

Have a good weekend, Love you all, T

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Wow! I just don't know how you do it. I get frustrated with traffic just around town. If you go near Florida in the next 6 weeks see if you can catch up with Jarom. He is there for work. He'd love to see you guys and visit...maybe go to dinner. Are you going to try and come in August? Mom and Dad will be here, maybe Uncle Stu and Aunt Val and John, then the gang from Watsonville. I opened it up to everyone, but that is all I've heard to far. Oh, and I need you to send me an email with your mailing address. And I need Steve's birthdate again. I can't find my calendar. The family reunion has been passed down to us kids, so Coley, Delinah, Jennifer and I are planning it for 2009.