Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hidee Ho Ya'll,

Well, we are in Bakersfield at the moment. We brought a load into L.A yesterday and then needed to fill prescriptions and such, so we took a day and drove up to Bakersfield. We got our drugs, I have given Barbara's kitchen a work out. I made gazpacho, vegetable soup and barley salad today.

I am doing the vegetarian thing lately, due to reading a pyscho book called Skinny Bitch. I thought it was going to be a kick ya in the butt, eat good food, motivate you diet type book. NOOOO! It it a vegan fanatical tirade, but something got into my head and I haven't been able to eat meat since. It has been about 2 weeks. I know, it is crazy, but everytime I try to eat meat, I want to throw up. I guess things could be worse. Maybe this will help me more than I realize. I have already had to change some of my meds for my diabetes, so that is a good thing. So, we will see what happens.

We will be heading back to L.A. tonight and heading out in the big truck, to where we don't know yet.

Hope everyone is well, love and miss you all,


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