Friday, August 22, 2008


Well, I guess running up and down I-5 has given me a renewed appreciation for those who do it all the time and reminded me why I hate it. We have had to run solo runs this week and that means, so far this week we have done 2200 miles. That is usually our total for 2 days. It is Friday morning and who knows what crap we are going to get today. We are being unloaded in Portland right now. I told Steve that I hope they don't have any freight and we sit here over the weekend. We could go see my Dad and Kristi if that is the case. Even if we don't get out of here until Saturday, we would be able to call them tonight. Lets cross our fingers. Knowing our luck this week, we will end up with a crap run that we have to "hurry" and pick up and then it won't deliver until next week. Can you tell I am a bit cranky? I am sick of this week and I want to get a good run and actually make some money. I hate being out here for no reason. If we can't run, what is the point? Truly?

Okay, I will stop whining. Hope everyone is well and has a good weekend. I will write again when I am in a better mood and I am not such a downer.

Love, T

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