Wednesday, December 17, 2008

And The Grand Prize Is. . .

And over $800.00 later we will have a fixed vehicle. I guess it could be worse, but jeez. We are just hanging out in the big truck in L.A. until Thursday night or Friday morning, that is when we get the truck back. We will then pack up and head up to Bakersfield. Gotta love unplanned expenditures, especially at Christmas. Oh Well. Merry Christmas to Steve and I. We won't be getting our planned gifts, I am just glad that we will still be able to spend the holiday with his family. Everyone else's Christmas is taken care of and we won't be out in the middle of no where.

I am going to head into the terminal and make some Spanish rice or Mushroom Barley, can't decide which. Hope everyone is having a good day. T

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Oh, Tiff, I am so sorry. That is a downer, but your right, at least your will be with family. My wish was to be home and I got it, so I'm a happy girl. I love you, Sis!