Sunday, January 18, 2009

Taz, Tazzer, Goober, or The Little Old Man

Sometimes I just don't know what to do about our little old man. One day he acts like a puppy and the next day all he does is cry. Well, he sleeps about 20 hours, so anything he does is in very short little spurts, cuz he wears himself out. I can't believe how attached we are to him. When my Mom asked us to take him, it was a total no brainer. I never really wanted a dog in the truck, but if we were going to have one, Tazzer is the one to have. The Vet says he has Doggie Dementia which is so sad, along with all of his other ailments. We only notice it when he cries, and we have to hold him to mellow him out, and when he stares at the wall. He goes into this sort of tranze and just stares at the wall. He doesn't respond if you talk to him during his little moment, but if you touch him he jumps like you totally scared him and then he is fine. We are very lucky to have our little old man.

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